Magnet Application Step-by Step Guide
Before you Begin
Have the following information ready before you begin the application will help you thoroughly complete the application on time.
All Magnet Applicants
A valid, and current, email address—To be sure all of the information we receive from you is accurate and up to date, we ask that you communicate through email from your home, school, or community computer. It is extremely important that the email account(s) that you enter is checked regularly since this will be the main form of communication from the Magnet Office for important information about your eligibility.
If you do not have an email account already, you can use one of the links provided on the front page of the application to create a free account. Please verify that your account is active before entering it into the application.
Don’t forget to check your “Junk Mail” folders to see if any emails from AACPS may have ended up there.
If there is a change to your Primary Email account, contact the program to which you applied and ask to update your application as soon as possible.
UserName and Password—Every student who is currently attending an Anne Arundel County Public School has a Student Identification Number (Student ID) as well as a password. You will need to use both of these numbers to apply to a magnet program.
To start an application, enter your student UserName and Password.
Your UserName is the 6-digit Student ID that every student in the Anne Arundel County Public Schools System is given. This is the same number that students use to log on to a computer at school. It may also be called a PermNum, Lunch Number, or Cafeteria/Food System ID. This ID is printed on report cards and grade reports. If you do not know your Student ID, please contact the professional counseling office at your school.
Your password is the same password used to log on to a computer at school. If you do not know your password, or if you password does not seem to be working, contact your school’s computer technician. The Magnet Office has no ability to reset passwords.
Student Information
After you log in, you will be taken to the first page of the application: Student Information. Some or most of this information will already be entered based on either your AACPS UserName or the information you provided when creating an account. Information marked with a red star (*) is required and must be completed before moving onto the next page. You will not be able to move onto the next page until all required information is complete.
AACPS Students
If you currently attend a public school in Anne Arundel County, most of your student information will already be displayed on this page. After you entered your AACPS UserName and Password, this information was automatically generated from the information available in the AACPS student data system. The only information you will be able to enter on this page is your Cell Phone Number (if available), your Primary Email Address, a Student/Other Email Address (if available), and the language spoken at home.
If any of the information already provided on this page is missing or incorrect, you must contact the professional counseling office at your child’s current school to update this information. Whoever changes the information at the individual school can assist you. It may be the Principal’s secretary or other designee. The Magnet Office has no ability to change school-based information. Once your school makes the correction, it will take 24 hours for those changes to appear in the application system.
Parent Information
The second page of the application is the Parent/Guardian Information page. Again, information marked with a red star (*) is required and must be completed before moving onto the next page. You will not be able to move onto the next page until all required information is complete.
AACPS Students
As with the Student Information page, if you currently attend a public school in Anne Arundel County, most of your student data will already be displayed on this page. You will be able to enter whether or not “Contact One” is the Primary Contact and the Primary Language Spoken at home.
If any of the information already provided on this page is missing or incorrect you must contact the professional counseling office at your school to update this information. Once your school makes the correction, it will take 24 hours for those changes to appear in the application system.
Directions for CAT-S Career Explorations Registration
Step 1: Go to ->
Step 2: At the top of the page, click “Application Information”, then scroll down and click “Apply On-line”
Step 3: On the next screen enter your student number and password
Step 4: Press the button for “Magnet, JROTC, or CAT program” and then press “Go”
Step 5: On the next screen verify all of your contact information is correct. On the bottom left enter an email address you check regularly, such as a parent or guardian. Please let us know if you would like us to look up a parent email.
Step 6: Verify home school information (should be automatically filled in)
Step 7:
Select CAT-S Career Explorations as your “Program Name”.
Rank your top 10 class choices. (1 began your top choice, etc.)
Select “Center of Applied Technology South” as your School Name.
Step 8: Read and check off all the boxes on the screen. On the next screen, a white box will appear. Click and review that the information is correct. You may close that window and hit “submit”